Increase your existing 2025 Pledge
Thanks for your generosity!
This form adds to your existing 2025 pledge
. I
f you'd have not made a pledge of financial support for the 2025 fiscal year, please make a
new pledge here
This address will receive a confirmation email
I would like to add:
Please select one option.
$12/mo or $3/wk
$16/mo or $4/week
$20/mo or $5/wk
$24/mo or $6/wk
$28/mo or $7/wk
$32/mo or $8/wk
$36/mo or $9/wk
$40/mo or $10/wk
If other, how much additional per week or month (please write per week or per month after the number so we know what to calculate)
Thanks for your generosity!
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